Zack Jenks Exceeding expectations in web practices by combining a knack for problem solving with a passion for usability, accessibility, clean design, and healthy code.
Thanks for all you help! That's what I call good service. - Rene Levy, Teacher

About Me

When I am not plugging away on my next web application or studying the latest and greatest technologies, you might find me out camping with friends or mountain biking through the country side. As much as I love working with computers and designing software, I also love the outdoors and I try to remain as active as possible.

I was born in Corvallis, Oregon, and I couldn't have asked to be born into a better family. I have three brothers and two sisters and we've all but one graduated from college with bachelor degrees. In fact, four of us graduated in the same year! My parents are still happily married and residing in a nice, relaxing home out on the range in Burns, Oregon. They call the place Venice Ranch, after their favorite city. My dad is a retired Nuclear Engineer and my mom is a Home Health Nurse.

We have definitely done our fair share of traveling the globe as a family. We spent a year in England for my dad's sabbatical. While there we attended school and learned alot about their culture and way of life. We wore uniforms to school, took rides on double-decker busses, ate fish and chips by the truck load, and learned how to play cricket.

After traveling all over the world and back, I graduated from Crane High School in Eastern Oregon and returned to my birth place to start college. Oregon State University provided me with a terrific education and prepared me for the working world. I now have a bachelor's degree in Information Systems with a minor in Computer Science. I chose this field because I enjoy learning new things and being on the cutting edge of technology.

Now that I have nearly 5 years of experience under my belt, I've discovered that I am very passionate about usability and design. I thoroughly enjoy building web applications for my customers and I find great satisfaction in creating a user-friendly, high quality application they simply cannot live without.